
Give it a try


This implementation uses the UC_PDF_CUSTOM_FILES table, to store documents. The primary key of the table is returned by a function, UC_PDF_REGION_PRO_CUSTOM_PKG.get_custom_pk_value.

Add the following line to the Initialization PL/SQL Code:

uc_pdf_region_pro.g_doc_func_get_file_id := 'get_custom_pk_value';

The definition of the function is:

function get_custom_pk_value(
  p_application_id   in number,   
  p_page_id          in number,
  p_session_id       in number,  
  p_user_id          in varchar2,
  p_pks_column_names in varchar2, 
  p_pks_item_values  in varchar2
) return varchar2
  v_log_scope varchar2(30) := 'get_custom_pk_value';
  v_result    varchar2(4000);
  log_info(v_log_scope, 'start');

  v_result := to_number(sys_guid(), 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX');
  log_info(v_log_scope, '... return: %s', v_result);
  log_info(v_log_scope, 'end');
  return v_result;
end get_custom_pk_value;