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  • Examples
  • WProofreader Text Checker (Third-party)


WProofreader Text Checker

WProofreader Text Checker is a third-party integration for Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor developed by WebSpellChecker. The solution offers spelling, grammar, and style corrections for multilingual texts. Advanced proofreading options, i.e. spelling autocorrect, autocomplete, and style guide suggestions are also available.


To enable the WProofreader, use the plug-in Initialization PL/SQL Code attribute. The attribute supports basic configuration cross-application using component settings.

UC_FROALA_RTE.g_plug_spellcheck_api          := 'API KEY';
UC_FROALA_RTE.g_plug_spellcheck_enable       := true;
UC_FROALA_RTE.g_plug_spellcheck_js           := ''; 

-- supported values are described in WProofreader JavaScript options documentation
UC_FROALA_RTE.g_plug_spellcheck_lang         := 'en_US';  -- options.lang
UC_FROALA_RTE.g_plug_spellcheck_ui_lang      := 'en';     -- options.localization
UC_FROALA_RTE.g_plug_spellcheck_theme        := 'gray';   -- options.theme
UC_FROALA_RTE.g_plug_spellcheck_badge_enable := true;     -- options.enableBadgeButton
UC_FROALA_RTE.g_plug_spellcheck_badge_lang   := true;     -- options.enableLanguagesInBadgeButton
Initialization JavaScript Code

Use the plug-in attribute to configure WProofreader using available JavaScript options.

function( pOptions ) {
  pOptions.wproofreader = {
    "autocorrect"                 : checkTypes.indexOf("autocorrect") > -1,
    "autocomplete"                : checkTypes.indexOf("autocomplete") > -1,
    "actionItems"                 : apex.item('P1444_WPROOF_ACTION_ITEMS').getValue(),
    "settingsSections"            : apex.item('P1444_WPROOF_SETTINGS_SECTIONS').getValue(),
    "grammarSuggestions"          : checkTypes.indexOf("enableGrammar") > -1,
    "spellingSuggestions"         : checkTypes.indexOf("spellingSuggestions") > -1,
    "styleGuideSuggestions"       : checkTypes.indexOf("styleGuideSuggestions") > -1,
    "disableOptionsStorage"       : ['all']
  return pOptions;

Preview components

Click on the page component below to preview its configuration in the Oracle APEX page designer.


Read the plug-in and WProofreader documentation to learn more about this 3rd party plug-in integration with APEX.

Other plug-ins

See other 3rd party plug-ins.


WProofreader Text Checker for Froala detects and corrects spelling, grammar, and style issues in multilingual texts. It is a paid solution, and the license is not included in the United Codes Rich Text Editor Pro. To get a free demo or purchase the full commercial license, please visit the WebSpellChecker free trial page and select WProofreader SDK.

Live Demo




Enter you text here. Hover on the marked words for intant correction suggestions. To got the whole text checked at once, switch to the Proofread in dialog mode in the editor settings.

You can select language for proofreading and opt for advansed check type options spelling autocorect, autocomplete suggestions or style guide suggestions. AI-drivn English, German and Spanish provide higher accuracy in writing checks.

Here are few more tips for advansed proofreading experence: 

  • Speling autocorrect provide you with instant corrections of common spelling typoos in all supported languages. 

  • Speed your writing with inteligent text prediction available only for English and dialects as of now.

  • Enable style guide suggestions to clean up you English writing from profanity and makes it more inclusive.

Besides, you can create user dictionaries with personal wordlists and tweak “Ignore settings” for more personalized proofreading experience.