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Custom attributes


The Plug-ins Pro FlowForms plug-in application attributes can be set via Shared Components \ Component Settings \ UC - FlowForms [Plug-in].

Application component settings are applied to all instances of FlowForms in an application.


TypeRequiredDependent on

Enter a valid URL created by the supporting objects.

Custom static LOV table/view

TypeRequiredDependent on

You can provide the name of a custom table or view that contains the list of values. The table or view must follow the following structure:

Column NameData TypeNullablePrimary KeyDescription
LIST_NAMEVARCHAR2(255)NoYesThe name of the list of values.
RETURN_VALUEVARCHAR2(4000)NoYesThe value that is returned when the list of values is selected.
DISPLAY_VALUEVARCHAR2(4000)NoNoThe value that is displayed when the list of values is selected.
DISPLAY_SEQUENCENUMBERNoNoThe sequence number that determines the order of the list of values.


All the plug-in region attributes available in the Oracle APEX page designer are listed and described below.


TypeRequiredDependent on
Select listYesNone

Available options include:

Default Table

Save to and get forms and their respective data from the default tables.


You can provide a schema JSON that follows the rules of FormKit/FlowForms, and it will render a form based on that schema. More info at FormKit Schema

Custom PL/SQL

Write your own PL/SQL code to save and get forms and their respective data.

When selected, FlowForms maintains forms using PL/SQL code provided by a developer. A developer has to create a package containing the required procedures for handling document operations, such as:

  • UC_FLOWFORMS.g_form_publish - publishing the form
  • UC_FLOWFORMS.g_form_submit - submitting the form data
  • UC_FLOWFORMS.g_form_file_upload - uploading a files
  • UC_FLOWFORMS.g_form_get_published - getting a published form
  • UC_FLOWFORMS.g_form_get_submitted - getting the submitted form data

The package name has to be entered into the Custom PL/SQL Package Name attribute, and procedure names must be provided using variables in the Initialization PL/SQL Code attribute. Learn more in Custom Attributes \ Initialization PL/SQL Code.

Form Name

TypeRequiredDependent on

The name of the form. This name is used to save the form data to Local Storage for offline saving in the browser.

Published Form

TypeRequiredDependent on

If you get an already published form, you must set this to Yes. (You have to either select Published Form or Submitted Form or neither of them)

Submitted Form

TypeRequiredDependent on

If you get an already submitted form, you must set this to Yes. (You have to either select Published Form or Submitted Form or neither of them)

Form ID

TypeRequiredDependent on
Page ItemYesSource

The page item that contains the ID of the form.

Custom PL/SQL Package Name

TypeRequiredDependent on

This package executes the additional procedures and functions defined in the Initialization PL/SQL Code attribute.

Initialization PL/SQL Code

TypeRequiredDependent on
PL/SQL CodeNoNone

The PL/SQL code that is executed when the page is loaded.


procedure uc_flowforms_custom_publish(
p_application_id in number,
p_page_id in number,
p_session_id in number,
p_user_id in varchar2,
p_form_id out varchar2,
p_form_schema in clob,
p_form_locales in clob,
p_form_init_data in clob


procedure uc_flowforms_custom_submit(
p_application_id in number,
p_page_id in number,
p_session_id in number,
p_user_id in varchar2,
p_form_id out varchar2,
p_published_form_id in varchar2,
p_form_data in clob


procedure uc_flowforms_custom_file_upload(
p_application_id in number,
p_page_id in number,
p_session_id in number,
p_user_id in varchar2,
p_blob in blob,
p_filename in varchar2,
p_mime_type in varchar2,
p_path in varchar2,
p_data_id in varchar2


procedure uc_flowforms_custom_get_published(
p_application_id in number,
p_page_id in number,
p_session_id in number,
p_user_id in varchar2,
p_form_id in varchar2,
p_form_schema out clob,
p_form_locales out clob,
p_form_init_data out clob


procedure uc_flowforms_custom_get_submitted(
p_application_id in number,
p_page_id in number,
p_session_id in number,
p_user_id in varchar2,
p_form_id in varchar2,
p_form_schema out clob,
p_form_locales out clob,
p_form_data out clob


NOTE: This procedure must return a JSON clob that has objects only. An array notation will not work in the context.

procedure uc_flowforms_custom_get_context(
p_application_id in number,
p_page_id in number,
p_session_id in number,
p_user_id in varchar2,
p_json out clob