Custom attributes
These attributes are exposed in the page designer when the column type is set to the plug-in.
Value When Checked
Type | Required | Dependent on |
Text | No | None |
This attribute value is used when the checkbox is checked.
Value When Not Checked
Type | Required | Dependent on |
Text | No | None |
This attribute value is used when checkbox is not checked. To use NULL, empty the attribute.
New Row Default Value
Type | Required | Dependent on |
Select List | No | None |
This attribute value is used as the default value for the checkbox when end-users add a new row to an interactive grid.
Available options include:
- Null - the checkbox in the new row has the default NULL value.
- Value Checked - the checkbox in the new row has the default value defined as the Value When Checked plug-in attribute.
- Value Not Checked - the checkbox in the new row has the default value defined as the Value When Not Checked plug-in attribute.
Type | Required | Dependent on |
Select List | No | None |
Defines what the graphical visualization of the column value should be.
Available options include:
- HTML checkbox input - when selected, the plug-in renders an HTML input checkbox.
- APEX icons - when selected, the plug-in renders an APEX icon.
Icons representing checked and not checked states must be defined using the plug-in attributes Icon Checked and Icon Not Checked.
Icon Checked
Type | Required | Dependent on |
Icon | No | Type |
This attribute allows choosing an icon representing the checked state. This attribute can be used to assign additional custom classes to the icon.
Icon Not Checked
Type | Required | Dependent on |
Icon | No | Type |
This attribute allows choosing an icon representing the not checked state. This attribute can be used to assign additional custom classes to the icon.
Type | Required | Dependent on |
Checkboxes | No | None |
This attribute allows defining the behavior of the plug-in.
Available options include:
- Add Title on Hover - when checked, the plug-in allows adding a title attribute with custom text to the checkbox or icon.
- Clickable in Read Mode - when checked, the plug-in allows changing the checkbox state without enabling interactive grid edit mode.
Type | Required | Dependent on |
Text | No | Settings |
This attribute defines the value of the title tag added to the checkbox or icon. The title is displayed after hovering over the plug-in checkbox or icon. You can use page items substitutions &PX_ITEM_NAME.