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The plug-in attributes are exposed along with help text built into the page designer in the Help tab.

Example help for the Settings \ Storage Type plug-in attribute is presented below:

Usage Guide

This section describes an example implementation of the plug-in in an Oracle APEX application. The usage guide shows the basic implementation of the plug-in and doesn’t describe the plug-in attributes.


This usage guide helps you create a dropzone region on page 1, that will resize, watermark and rename the images.

Then, will help you add a report to read from the default DROPZONE_UPLOAD collection to check on file upload. The region refresh occurs automatically and it listens to a custom event from the plug-in.

This guide assumes that you are uploading images.

New blank page

Using the Oracle APEX Wizard, create a new blank page.

New Image Uploader Pro region

Drag and drop an Image Uploader Pro region into the content body position.

Set the Title to a desired value, for example: Image Uploader zone.

Navigate to the Attributes of the region and check the following values to support the upload and store to APEX collection process :

In order to resize all the images to 500px width keeping the image’s aspect ratio, set the following value into the Transformation Parameters section: 


In order to apply a watermark, set the following example values into the Watermark section: 

"font": "22px Arial",
 "fontColor": "#3b8a50",
 "positionX": 5,
 "positionY": 10,
 "text": "Image Uploader PRO"

In order to rename all the images, adding a timestamp to the original name, set the following value into the Rename Function (JavaScript) section: 

function (file) {
        let newName = new Date().getTime() + '\_' +;
        return newName;

Save and run your page to test that the upload and store functionality works as expected.

New view from collection

The easiest way to show images from a collection is to create a view on top of the collection. Doing so, will allow us to use the native Display Image type of column.

In order to create a view, run the following script in SQL Command:

Create view iup_collections as

  c001 as filename,
  c002 as mime_type,
  d001 as last_update_date,
from apex_collections
where collection_name = 'DROPZONE_UPLOAD'

New classic report region

Add a classic report region below the previously added region. Set the Title to a desired value, for example: Collection Report. Set the “Source type” to SQL Query. Use the following query string for the “SQL Query” field:

  dbms_lob.getlength(blob001) image

Click on the “BLOB001” column from the column list and set the type to Display Image. On the BLOB Attributes section, set the following parameters:

  • BLOB Column: BLOB001
  • Primary Key Column 1: SEQ_ID

TIP: you can set some CSS properties under Page properties > CSS > Inline to ensure nicer image display, for example: td img {max-width:200px;}

Adding dynamic refresh

In order to automatically refresh the collection report, we can add a dynamic action listening to a custom event, triggered by the plug-in.

Add a new dynamic action and set the “When” property as below:

  • Event: Dropzone File upload Success
  • Selection Type: Region
  • Region: Image Uploader zone

Set a “True” event to refresh the report.

Then run the application, test it and play with it.