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Template handler deleting an image

This document covers sample implementations for template POST handler deleting uploaded images using the plug-in image browser. All examples deletes uploaded images from the plug-in sample application table UC_FROALA_SAMPLE_BLOBS.

handler features


Handler deleting an uploaded image must meet the following requirements:

  1. must use POST method
  2. must be compilable at the run time
  3. must return 200 HTTP status on success

Handler definition

RESTful Service ModuleA custom RESTservice
Module Base Path/customrest/
URI Templatedelete-simple
Full URL
Handler MethodPOST
Source TypePL/SQL
Mime Types AllowedNot defined

Handler parameters

The upload handler doesn't require registering any resource parameters as long as REST specific bind variable :status_code is used to set request HTTP status. The request query parameters are accessibile in the PL/SQL code as bind variables with same name.

Handler Source

The handler deleting uploaded image must be defined as PL/SQL.

v_image_id varchar2(4000) := :imageId;
if v_image_id is null then
raise_application_error(-20001, 'image id is missing');
end if;

delete from UC_FROALA_SAMPLE_BLOBS where id = v_image_id;

if SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 then
raise no_data_found;
end if;

:status_code := 200;
when others then
apex_json.write('error', 'Image not found');
apex_json.write('id', v_image_id, true);
when no_data_found then
:status_code := 404;
when others then
:status_code := 500;

Handler Output

When an image deletion is successful, the handler should only set HTTP status code 200.

Error handling

The plug-in display deleting error as APEX inline page notification error with message Image delete failed and message assigned to JSON error property, for example:

Image delete failed: Image not found.