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The plug-in package UC_FROALA_RTE exposes PL/SQL procedures to be used in custom development.


The procedure flushes the plug-in session state for the given page item implementing the plug-in.

p_item_name in varchar2,
p_set_session_state in boolean default false


Signature 1

The procedure displays the given CLOB value with extra HTML code, ensuring that rich text formatting is the same as in the plug-in editor.

p_clob in clob,
p_include_css in boolean defeault true

Signature 2

The procedure displays a CLOB value of the given item with extra HTML code, ensuring that rich text formatting is the same as in the plug-in editor.

p_item_name in varchar2
p_include_css in boolean defeault true


Not required for APEX 22.2

Since the plug-in version v23.2.3, the procedure is no longer required to clear page item session state value when APEX URL syntax is used in Oracle APEX 22.2 onwards. The procedure is mandatory for prior APEX versions.

The procedures clears the plug-in and page item session state based on the current URL syntax. The procedure is mandatory for Oracle APEX not supporting CLOB values in APEX session state (Oracle APEX prior 22.2).



The procedure sets the plug-in draft CLOB value in the plug-in collection based on the given CLOB value. The procedure updates the given page item session state to the given CLOB value, respecting Oracle APEX limitations for CLOB support in the session state.

p_item_name in varchar2,
p_value in CLOB


The procedures defines buttons available in specified toolbar group. The procedure can be used only in the plug-in page item attribute Initialization PL/SQL Code.

procedure toolbar_init_group(
p_responsive in varchar2 default c_toolbar_responsive_sd,
p_group in varchar2,
p_visible_buttons in integer,
p_align in varchar2,
p_buttons in apex_t_varchar2