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Installation package

  1. dynamic_action_plugin_unitedcodes_sweet_alert2_pro.sql - the plug-in installation file for Oracle APEX 19.2 or higher
  2. ddl_uc_sap_manual_install.sql - the database objects required to support the plug-in

Install procedure

To successfully install/update the plug-in follow these steps:

  1. Import the APEX plug-in dynamic_action_plugin_unitedcodes_sweet_alert2_pro.sql into your application.

  2. Set component settings as required.

  3. Run ddl_uc_sap_manual_install.sql in SQL Workshop > SQL Scripts > Upload and Run

  4. Run one of the following scripts (depending on your access to the internet) in SQL Workshop > SQL Commands or Command Line SQL to activate the license:

    1. Option 1: When you have access to the internet

      set serveroutput on

      -- You can find the PLUGIN_NAME and YOUR_API_KEY in the your Plug-ins Pro dashboard

      -- when having access to the internet
      -- create a license automatically
      p_plugin => 'PLUGIN_NAME',
      p_api_key => 'YOUR_API_KEY');
    2. Option 2: When there is no access to the internet

      set serveroutput on

      -- when there's no access to the internet
      -- create a license manually

      -- Step 1: Run the following statement. Then, follow the resulting
      -- instructions before moving on to Step 2.
      p_plugin => 'PLUGIN_NAME',
      p_api_key => 'YOUR_API_KEY');

      -- Step 2: The above statement will return your ACTIVATION KEY, which you will need to
      -- enter in your portal (Select the plug-in you
      -- are activating, then click the Generate License button) to
      -- retrieve your license key.
      -- When you have your license key, run the statement below.
      p_plugin => 'PLUGIN_NAME',
      p_api_key => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
      p_license_key => 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY');
  5. Add United Codes SweetAlert2 to your page and configure it as desired.

  6. Save changes. United Codes SweetAlert2 [Plug-In] is now ready to use.