The plug-in supports translations for validation messages. The plug-in can translate HTML5 validation messages (user’s browser) and native APEX validations.
Native Validations
To translate APEX defined validations the plug-in uses a translated application (Shadow Application).
HTML5 Validations
An HTML5 validation message's language is dependent on the user's browser language. The plug-in translates these messages by overriding them with messages defined as Oracle APEX text messages.
To translate validations ensure that:
The Globalization \ Application Language Derived From application attribute is set and the application supports translations
HTML5 Text Messages have Used in JavaScript set to Yes
Text Message Code | Description |
APEX.PAGE_ITEM_IS_REQUIRED | Message displayed when required item is empty |
HTML5.PAGE_ITEM_IS_TEL | Message displayed when phone item doesn’t match phone pattern |
HTML5.PAGE_ITEM_IS_URL | Message displayed when url item doesn’t match url pattern |
HTML5.PAGE_ITEM_IS_EMAIL | Message displayed when e-mail item doesn’t match e-mail pattern |
Additionally, if the HTML5 validation defined for an item or interactive grid column uses data-valid-message to present a custom message then the plug-in tries to translate the custom message. The translation is done using the native apex.lang.getMessage APEX API. The parameter for the getMessage function is the value of the data-valid-message attribute.