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The plug-in exposes six events that can be bound using APEX dynamic actions:

File Download - download started 

The event is triggered when downloading the contents of a BLOB begins. This event has access to general information about the triggering element and interactive grid - learn more about the plug-in event data in the  Event data section.

File Download - download ended

The event is triggered when downloading the contents of BLOB ends. This event has access to general information about the triggering element and interactive grid - learn more about the plug-in event data in Event data section.

File Download - file downloaded

The event is triggered when browser download is initialized.

File Download - file is ready

The event is triggered when file contents was successfully fetched from the database and its contents was transferred to the end-user’s browser. This event is triggered only when the plug-in  Download when ready setting is not checked.

File Download - context menu start 

The event is triggered when the plug-in starts fetching information about the file to construct the context menu. Usually, information about the file is fetched immediately but in case of delay, the event can be used to display a loading indicator to end-user to signal the process is running in the background.

File Download - context menu end

The event is triggered when the plug-in finishes fetching information about the file to construct the context menu. The event can be used to hide the loading indicator added with the event File Download - context menu start.