Default Action
The main purpose of the plug-in is to allow end-users to download a BLOB file from within an Interactive Grid. The default behavior (click on anchor) downloads file content. The process behind the scene fetches the blob file from the database, encodes it into a base64 CLOB, and returns it to the end-user's browser using an AJAX call. Immediately after the AJAX call is completed, the plug-in initializes the download process in the browser.
Override Default Action
The plug-in allows you to change the default action (left mouse click on download anchor) using the plug-in Settings \ Change Default Action and Custom Action attributes. Using these settings, the default behavior can be changed to open the context menu, preview the file, open the file in a new tab, or to execute developer-defined JavaScript code in the context of the file.
Context Menu
The plug-in uses a context-menu to expose other functionality such as Preview and Open in new Tab. The plug-in context-menu entries can be translated, customized, and extended.
The fetched BLOB file can be previewed if it its type is an image or its content can be displayed in an iframe. Images are presented in an inline overlay preview with a download link. Files such as pdf, HTML, and xHTML can be previewed in an inline preview, but they are embedded in an iframe. Other files, ie. excel spreadsheets can't be previewed directly in the browser. These files use common inline dialogs with information that a preview is not available and users can download the file using the download link.
Open in a New Tab
The fetched BLOB file is opened in a new browser tab embedded in the new iframe element.
The default plug-in action, but is also exposed through the context menu.
Help in the Page Designer
The plug-in attributes are exposed along with help text built into the page designer in the Help tab.
Example help for the plug-in Settings \ Context Menu Options attribute is presented below: