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The rich text editor pro exposes nice plug-in-specific JavaScript events bindable using Oracle APEX dynamic actions. The plug-in triggers also native APEX events described in documentation for APEX integration.

Did you know?

All plug-in events can be tested and inspected in the plug-in online sample application home page.

UC Froala Before Initialization

The plug-in triggers event ucfroalabeforeinitialize before rich text editor is initialized allowing customizing the plug-in instance using supporting dynamic action plug-in.

Event data

The event exposes data described in the table below. All properties can be referenced using

optionsJSONThe Froala option currently used by the plug-in

UC Froala CLOB updated

The plug-in triggers event ucfroalaclobdraftupdated a current document HTML is updated in the plug-in session state when submitting a page, or on the end-user demand after executing the plug-in dynamic action Update CLOB.

Event data

The event exposes data described in the table below. All properties can be referenced using

checksumNumberThe checksum of a draft CLOB
lengthNumberLength of the CLOB value.

UC Froala CLOB reset

The plug-in triggers event ucfroalaclobonloadreset after a document contents is restored to on-load CLOB using the dynamic action Reset Value.

Event data

The event exposes data described in the table below. All properties can be referenced using

checksumNumberThe checksum of an onload CLOB
lengthNumberLength of the CLOB value.

UC Froala Content Changed

The plug-in triggers event ucfroalacontentchanged whenever editor's content has changed. The difference to the native change event is triggered when page item value changes, which happens after editor looses focus.

Event data

The event exposes data described in the table below. All properties can be referenced using

optionsJSONThe Froala option currently used by the plug-in

UC Froala Initialized

The plug-in triggers the event ucfroalacontentinitialized right after the rich text editor pro is created and ready to use.

Event data

The event exposes data described in the table below. All properties can be referenced using

optionsJSONThe Froala option currently used by the plug-in

UC Froala Image Browser Error

The plug-in triggers event ucfroalaimagemanagererror, when the image browser raises error.

Event data

The event exposes data described in the table below. All properties can be referenced using

optionsJSONThe Froala option currently used by the plug-in
errorCodeNumberThe Froala error code
errorMessageStringThe Froala error message
responseStringThe RESTful delete service output

UC Froala Image Upload Error

The plug-in triggers event ucfroalaimageuploaderror when uploading an image fails due REST handler error or image validation.

Event data

The event exposes data described in the table below. All properties can be referenced using

codenumber0 - an error raised when initializing an image upload, for example validation failed
1 - an error raised by jQuery.ajax function, for example, the response can't be parsed as valid JSON
2 - an error raised due to HTTP status code other than 200
guiIdStringAn image temporary id assignes as image attribute data-image-temp-id
statusnumberHTTP status code
responseJSONrequest response set by RESTful upload handler
errorMessageStringAn error message raised by validation, JavaScript error or jQuery.ajax function

UC Froala Images In Collection

The plug-in triggers event ucfroalacollectionimageschanged when an image within a document is added or removed. The event is also triggered after plug-in initialization.

Event data

The event exposes data described in the table below. All properties can be referenced using

imagesArrayAn array of JSON objects describing an image.

The table below describes an image JSON in array.

seqIdNumberA sequence ID identifying an image in the plug-in collection.
guiIdStringA temporary ID identifying an image in document DOM.
dbIdNumberAn ID identifying an image in database table.
restBooleanWhen true, an image was uploaded using the plug-in RESTful service.
base64BooleanWhen true, an image is added to rich HTML text as inline base64 image.
onloadBooleanWhen true, an image was present in a rich HTML text when plug-in was initialized.
addedBooleanWhen true an image was added to a rich HTML text.
removedBooleanWhen true an image was removed from a rich HTML text.
urlStringA current image URL.
nodeDOM nodeA DOM node referencing an image.

UC Froala Option Changed

The plug-in triggers event ucfroalaoptionchanged after changing the plug-in configuration using supporting dynamic actions Image Browser Parameters and Upload Parameters.

Event data

The event exposes data described in the table below. All properties can be referenced using

optionStringThe Froala editor or the plug-in option name that has been changed. Possible values are: base64images, imageUploadParams, and imageManagerLoadParams
beforeString | JSON | BooleanThe option value before a change
afterString| JSON | BooleanThe option value after a change
triggeringElementDOM nodeThe event triggering element,