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Oracle APEX Process Plug-in


The supporting process plug-in enables a developer to handle the plug-in session state and to pernamently delete images uplaoded using RESTful service and removed from the current rich text HTML.

The plug-in exposes the following actions:

  • Clear CLOB
  • Load CLOB
  • Update CLOB
  • Delete Removed Images

Clear CLOB

The action clears the item plug-in collection data and sets item's session state to NULL. Additionally, other page items can be specified to be cleared using APEX PL/SQL API APEX_UTIL.SET_SESSION_STATE.

The action can be used both on pre-rendering (Before Header, After Header, and Before Regions) and after page submission (Processing and After Processing).

ItemPage itemYesAn item implementing the plug-in.
Other Page Item(s)Page item(s)NoOther page items to be cleared using Oracle APEX API.



The action loads CLOB contents into the plug-in session state based on the given table specification.

ItemPage itemYesItem name implementing the plug-in
SchemaTextYesSchema that owns the table
Table NameTextYesThe case-sensitive table or view name.
CLOB Column NameTextYesThe column name which stores the CLOB content
PK(s) Column(s) Name(s)TextYesComma separated list of primary key columns needed to fetch the CLOB
Item(s) Containing PK(s) Value(s)Page Item(s)YesComma separated list of APEX page items containing primary keys values

SQL Query

The action loads CLOB content into the plug-in session state based on the given SQL Query returning CLOB value.

ItemPage itemYesAn item implementing the plug-in.
SQL QuerySQL QueryYesValid SQL Query returning CLOB content.

Function Body Returning CLOB

The action loads CLOB content into the plug-in session state based on the given PL/SQL Code.

ItemPage itemYesItem implementing the plug-in
Function Body returning CLOBPL/SQL CodeYesValid anonymous PL/SQL code with return statement.

Update CLOB


The action updates the plug-in CLOB value in the database based on given table specification.

ItemPage itemYesItem name implementing the plug-in
SchemaTextYesSchema that owns the table
Table NameTextYesThe case-sensitive table or view name.
CLOB Column NameTextYesThe column name which stores the CLOB content
PK(s) Column(s) Name(s)TextYesComma separated list of primary key columns needed to fetch the CLOB
Item(s) Containing PK(s) Value(s)Page Item(s)YesComma separated list of APEX page items containing primary keys values


The action updates the plug-in CLOB value in the database based on a developer custom PL/SQL code. The provided code can reference bind variable :CONTENT referencing the current rich text HTML CLOB value after submitting a page.

ItemPage itemYesAn item implementing the plug-in
PL/SQL CodePL/SQL CodeYesA valid anonymous PL/SQL code with return statement.

Image handling

Delete Removed Images

The action allows a developer to define custom PL/SQL code executed in the loop over removed images from rich text HTML. Images included in the loop are the images uploaded using the RESTful service. The provided PL/SQL code can reference an image meta-data stored in the plug-in collection using the plug-in package variables listed below.

ItemPage itemYesItem name implementing the plug-in
PL/SQL CodePL/SQL CodeYesThe PL/SQL code deleting removed images

Process Uploaded Images

The action allows a developer to define custom PL/SQL code executed in the loop over recently uploaded images using the plug-in RESTful service. The provided PL/SQL code can reference an image meta-data stored in the plug-in collection using the plug-in package variables listed below.

ItemPage itemYesItem name implementing the plug-in
PL/SQL CodePL/SQL CodeYesThe PL/SQL code processing uploaded images