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Database Objects

The summary below describes all database objects created after installing the FlowForms sample application or after installing FlowForms as a standalone plug-in in an existing Oracle APEX application using a DDL script.

  • column The plug-in indicates whether an object is required to run FlowForms outside the sample application
  • column Supporting object indicates whether an object is required by the sample application


Object NameSupporting objectThe plug-inDescription
UC_FLOWFORMS_NODEYesYesThe table is used as the default source type for the most basic implementation of UC - FlowForms
UC_FLOWFORMS_FORMYesYesThe table is used to store form definitions
UC_FLOWFORMS_PUBLISHEDYesYesThe table is used to store the published form schema, locales, and initial data
UC_FLOWFORMS_DATAYesYesThe table is used to store the submitted data of the forms
UC_FLOWFORMS_BLOBSYesYesThe table is used to store the blobs coming from file browse inputs inside the forms
UC_FLOWFORMS_LOVSYesYesThe table is used to store the list of values for the
UC_FLOWFORMS_LOV_ENTRIESYesYesThe table is used to store the list of value entries for the forms
UC_FLOWFORMS_LOV_CUSTOMYesNoThe table is used as an example for the custom list of values structure


Object NameSupporting objectThe plug-inDescription


Object NameSupporting objectThe plug-inDescription
PIP_CRYPTOYesYesThe package is used to secure the access token
UC_FLOWFORMSYesYesThe package implements a region-type plug-in for Oracle APEX
UC_FLOWFORMS_UTILYesYesThe package is used as a help package to the main code in the UC_FLOWFORMS package
UC_FLOWFORMS_TREEYesYesThe package is used to create a tree-like structure
UC_FLOWFORMS_SCHEMAYesYesThe package is used to generate the schema, locales, and data JSONs for the Form Builder
UC_FLOWFORMS_EXAMPLESYesNoThe package is used to provide the developers with some examples for the initialization PL/SQL code and the custom PL/SQL package

Other scripts

Object NameTypeSupporting objectThe plug-inDescription
RESTful ServiceScriptYesYesThe script creates the UC - FlowForms RESTful Service Module, which handles fetching images for the form