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Upload and Store

APEX Collection

Image Uploader Pro supports uploading and storing files directly into APEX collections. In order to implement this functionality, the following settings need to be set:

Attribute NameAttribute ValueDescription
Storage typeAPEX Collection-
Collection / Table NameDROPZONE_UPLOADKeep the default collection name or change it to any value

Custom Table

Image Uploader Pro supports uploading and storing files directly into a custom table and allows you to define the custom columns where file metadata will be saved.

Furthermore, it supports foreign key column and item definitions. Images will be ready in your table without the need of further metadata manipulation.

In order to have this functionality, the following settings need to be set:

Attribute NameAttribute ValueDescription
Storage TypeCustom Table-
PK ColumnIDVarchar2/Number column where the primary key will be returned. The Primary Key (PK) must be processed with a Before Insert Trigger. The column value is used for after upload processing.
MIME Type ColumnMIME_TYPEVarchar2 column where the MIME type will be saved.
Filename ColumnFILENAMEVarchar2 column where the name of the file will be saved.
FK ItemP4_FOREIGN_KEYItem where the foreign key value is calculated. Values have to be in session state before loading the upload form.
FK ColumnFK_IDVarchar2/Number column where the foreign Key will be saved.
Date ColumnCREATED_ONOptional date field, where the upload date will be saved.
Collection / Table NameIUP_IMAGESName of the destination table where the images will be saved.
BLOB ColumnBLOB_CONTENTBLOB Column where the file contents will be saved.

Web Service

Image Uploader Pro allows you to push your images to a Web Service directly from the client, avoiding database interaction.

In order to have this functionality, the following settings need to be set:

Attribute NameAttribute ValueDescription
Storage TypeWeb service-
Web service parameters{"url":"","method":"POST","headers": {"Authorization":"Bearer x"}}The JSON file with the Web service parameters has to include the following settings:
- URL: End-point of the web service
- Method: POST/PUT depending on your web service needs
- Headers: HTTP-Headers object