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Usage Guide

This section describes three basic examples of implementing the plug-in to validate a simple form and interactive grid columns. The usage guide shows a basic implementation of the plug-in but does not describe the plug-in attributes or ideas on how the plug-in can be used.

Examples of how the plug-in attributes can be used to enrich the validation process are shown and described in the UC - Constraint Validation Pro sample application.

Validation on Page 0

You can define a single Dynamic Action on page 0 that is triggered by the event Lose Focus and jQuery Selector :input . This plug-in will be invoked on any input field of your application. The Server-side Condition disables the plug-in on page 0 when you have defined other plug-in invocations for the current application page.

Implementing the Plug-in

To implement the plug-in, creating a new dynamic action is required. Follow the steps below:
Create a new dynamic action on page 0

  • Name: Validate Constraints

  • When

    • Event: Loose Focus
    • Selection Type : jQuery Selector
    • jQuery Selector : :input
  • Create a new action

    • Action: UC - Automatic Constraint Validation
  • Server-side Condition

    • Type: PL/SQL Expression
    • PL/SQL Expression : UC_Constraint_Validation.Current_Page_Has_No_Plugin_DA

Page 0 in page designer is presented below:

Add an informal list of rules for the current page to see the applied constraints on page 0

  • Add a new region in template position 'Body 3'

  • Title: Constraint Checks

  • Type: Classic Report

  • Source

    • Type: SQL Query
    • SQL Query:
    • select constraint_icon icon, label, message, errorClass, table_name, column_name, constraint_type, constraint_priority
      from table (UC_Constraint_Validation.validate_form_items_list);
  • Appearance

    • Template : Collapsible
    • General : Remember Collapsible State
    • Default State: Collapsed
  • Server-side Condition

    • Type : PL/SQL Expression
    • PL/SQL Expression : UC_Constraint_Validation.Current_Page_Has_Db_Items
  • Attributes

    • Number of Rows : 50
  • Columns

    • ICON

      • HTML Expression :

      • Sorting / Default Sequence : 1

      • Sorting / Default Sequence : 2

      • Sorting / Default Sequence : 3

Page 0 in page designer is presented below:

Validation of specific DML Form or Interactive Grid region

Implementing the Plug-in

To implement the plug-in, creating a new dynamic action is required. Follow the steps below:
Create a new dynamic action on an application page with a DML Form or Interactive Grid

  • Name: Validate Constraints

  • When

    • Event : Loose Focus / Change
    • Selection Type : Region
    • Region Name : <choose a region>
  • Create a new action

    • Action: UC - Automatic Constraint Validation

For APEX before Version 21.1 in Interactive Grids, you have to set the attribute 'Lazy Loading' to Yes
to circumvent a display bug with inline validation messages while you scroll down more than 2 full pages.