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The plug-in supports translations for validation messages. 

  • By default, the plug-in produces validation messages in the English language.
  • You can replace the provided default messages with specific Text Messages of your language. 
  • When you have installed a Translated Version of Oracle APEX by running the load_lang.sql script, default messages for Text Messages beginning with ‘APEX.’ will be provided in many languages. 
  • When your application uses multiple languages, you can add translated messages to the Shared Components / Translate Application / Text Messages page for the supported languages.
  • To learn more about translations in Oracle APEX please refer to official documentation - Managing Application Globalization

Native DML Validations

To translate ORACLE Database validation messages the current session language has to be set. To translate Item/Column Labels the plug-in uses a translated application (Shadow Application).

Validation Messages

UC Automatic Constraint Validation Pro provides and uses the following Text Messages in 10 languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese):

Language CodeTranslatable MessageMessage TextMessage paceholders
enAPEX.PAGE_ITEM_IS_REQUIRED#LABEL# must have some value.
APEX.NUMBER_FIELD.VALUE_INVALID2#LABEL# does not match number format %0 (For example, %1).%0 for a format mask, and %1 for a example number.
APEX.NUMBER_FIELD.VALUE_NOT_BETWEEN_MIN_MAX#LABEL# is not between the valid range of %0 and %1.%0 for the allowed minimum, and %1 for the maximum number.
APEX.NUMBER_FIELD.VALUE_GREATER_MAX_VALUE#LABEL# is greater than specified maximum %0.%0 for the allowed maximum number.
APEX.NUMBER_FIELD.VALUE_LESS_MIN_VALUE#LABEL# is less than specified minimum %0.%0 for the allowed minimum number.
APEX.DATEPICKER_VALUE_INVALID#LABEL# does not match format %0.%0 for format string
APEX.DATEPICKER_VALUE_NOT_IN_YEAR_RANGE#LABEL# is not within valid year range of %0 and %1.%0 for the allowed minimum, and %1 for the maximum year.
APEX.DATEPICKER_VALUE_NOT_BETWEEN_MIN_MAX#LABEL# is not in valid range of %0 to %1.%0 for Minimum and %1 for Maximum Date from the Item definition.
APEX.DATEPICKER_VALUE_LESS_MIN_DATE#LABEL# is less than specified minimum date %0.%0 for Minimum Date from the Item definition.
APEX.DATEPICKER_VALUE_GREATER_MAX_DATE#LABEL# is greater than specified maximum date %0.%0 for Maximum Date from the Item definition.
UC.CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION_FOREIGN_KEY#LABEL# - Parent key must exist in %0.%0 is a placeholder for a table name.
UC.CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION_FOREIGN_KEY2Parent key combination (%0) must exist in %1.%0 is a placeholder for the involved Item/column labels, and %1 for a table name.
UC.CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION_MAX_BYTES#LABEL# may not exceed %0 bytes (actual: %1).%0 is a placeholder for the allowed length, and %1 from the actual length.
UC.CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION_MAX_CHAR#LABEL# may not exceed %0 characters (actual: %1).%0 is a placeholder for the allowed length, and %1 from the actual length.
UC.CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION_RANGE#LABEL# must be in range: %0.%0 is a placeholder for the constraint expression.
UC.CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION_RULE#LABEL# must follow the rule: %0.%0 is a placeholder for the constraint expression.
UC.CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION_UNIQUE#LABEL# must be unique. Value is already in use.
UC.CONSTRAINT_VALIDATION_UNIQUE2Value combination (%0) must be unique.%0 is a placeholder for the involved Item/column labels


To translate validations ensure that:

  • application attribute Globalization \ Application Language Derived From is set and the application supports translations
  • The plug-in uses column/item labels for the messages in the current session language when the app has been translated with XLIFF translation files and translated application (Shadow Application) has been published.
  • You can add or modify translated validation messages in the installation script UC_Constraint_Validation_Messages.sql and then add this script to Shared Components / Supporting Objects / Installation Scripts of your application. The messages will be listed in the page Shared Components / Translate Application / Text Messages after installation.
  • To translate ORACLE DML validation messages the current session language has to be set.
  • Alternatively, you can translate the English Message Text for Translatable Messages that begin with ‘UC.’ as Shared Components / Translate Application / Dynamic Translations into your application language.