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Custom Attributes

Application Attributes

The plug-in exposes application attributes under Shared Components > Component Settings > UC - Automatic Constraint Validation Pro [Plug-in]

Form Item Error CSS-ClassTextapex-tabular-form-errorCSS-Class for highlighting of a form item
Form Region SelectorjQuery Selectordiv[id]:has(div.container)jQuery Selector for Native Form Regions.
Interactive Grid Region SelectorjQuery Selectordiv.js-apex-regionjQuery Selector for Interactive Grid Regions.
Minimum YearNumber1Enter the minimum year permitted in calendar dates.
Maximum YearNumber9999Enter the maximum year permitted in calendar dates.
Refresh Cache (Ignored in the free version of the plug-in.)Select listOn Page LoadOn Page Load: The cache is automatically refreshed on page load. (Default) 

On Demand: You control when the cache is updated with a call to UC_Constraint_Validation.Refresh_After_DDL_Job or UC_Constraint_Validation.Cache_Table_Columns.
Table Name PrefixTextThe prefix is removed from table names that are displayed in validation messages. For example: OEHR_
Ignore inactive constraintsYes/NoYesIgnore constraints that have been inactivated/disabled.

Component Attributes

These attributes are available in page designer for the dynamic action implementing the plug-in. Use these attributes to define the validation process.

Table OwnerTextEnter the table schema for additional constraints. Select the schema that owns the table.
Table NameTextEnter the table name for additional constraints.You can provide an additional table owner and table name as a setting of the plug-in.
The plug-in will resolve synonyms and will search for additional constraints in the optional table from plug-in settings to apply them in the validation process.
This an especially useful when you select from a view where the constraints of the base table should be applied.
Check data types of base table columnsYes/NoNoWhen the view is selecting only character columns you can validate the data type conversion for the base table for columns that match by name.
Minimum YearNumberEnter the minimum year permitted in calendar dates.
Maximum YearNumberEnter the maximum year permitted in calendar dates.
Notification in IG-Report ViewYes/NoNoSelect where the error message displays for validations in Interactive Grid - Report Views. Popup error messages display underneath the Associated Item label when you hover the mouse over grid cell and if set to 'Yes' in a Notification area, defined as part of the page template.
Notification in IG-Single Row ViewYes/NoNoSelect where the error message displays for validations in Interactive Grid - Single Row Views. Inline error messages display underneath the Associated Item label and if set to 'Yes' in a Notification area, defined as part of the page template.
Notification in Form RegionsYes/NoNoSelect where the error message displays for validations in Form Regions. Inline error messages display underneath the Associated Item label and if set to 'Yes' in a Notification area, defined as part of the page template.