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APEX Application Global Page

The APEX global page and the supporting dynamic action plug-in can be used to configure the plug-in instances across all pages in an application. A dynamic action can be configured to execute the plug-in configuration depending on PL/SQL computations (ie. using Server-Side Condition), or based on user's role in an application (ie. using Authorization Schemes).

About APEX global page

Learn more about master page capabilities in App Builder User's Guide documentation.

These core APEX features, and highly customizable plug-in opens new possibilities to re-use and minimalise the amount of components created in an application.

live demo

The plug-in sample application example page Customize rich text editor using Oracle APEX global page implements examples on how dynamic actions created on global page can affect the plug-in instance.


The supporting dynamic action plug-in creates various possibilities to limit amount of components created in an application. The dynamic action interface available in page designer is fully used by the plug-in enabling a developer to customize the Rich Text Editor Pro in low-code approach.

Configuration using affected elements

Using dynamic action attribute affected elements allows a developer to customize all plug-in instances, specified page items, or page items having given CSS class.

learn more

Learn more in documentation for dynamic action plug-in configuring a page item implementing Rich Text Editor Pro.

Configuration dependent on user's role in an application

Using a dynamic action attribute Authorization Scheme, a developer can create configurations for different user's roles. For example, the rich text editor can expose different toolbar buttons, or add different query parameters to request uploading an image.

learn more

Learn more about leveraging authorization schemes using dynamic action and PL/SQL code in concept Action Control List.

Configuration dependent on PL/SQL logic

Using a dynamic action attribute Server-Side Condition, a developer can restrict (ie. using PL/SQL code) when the plug-in customization should happen. This creates various of possibilities.

For example, the plug-in configuration can be dependent on other page item value changing the toolbar layout.

About server-side conditions

The complete list of server-side conditions can be found in Oracle APEX documentation. Server-side conditions PL/SQL Expression and PL/SQL Function Body allows implementing complex PL/SQL logic.

Execute plug-in actions

The supporting dynamic action plug-in exposes three actions on the end-user demand to reset document, update document in the plug-in session state and upload images without submitting a page. In contrast to dynamic action configuring the page item plug-in, actions on demand can be triggered on any JavaScript event. A dynamic action created on global page can be shared among different pages enabling a developer to maintain important plug-in logic in one place.