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Actions on demand

The supporting dynamic action plug-in can execute the following actions on the end-user demand:

  • reset document to on-load CLOB
  • update a document in the plug-in session state and APEX session state (Oracle APEX 22.2 onwards)
  • upload images without submitting a page with optional JavaScript callbacks
Oracle APEX Global Page 0

The dynamic action plug-in can be implemented on Oracle APEX Global Page to customize cross application plug-in instances. Learn more in guide Oracle APEX global page.

Dynamic Action Attributes


The dynamic action implementing the plug-in actions reset value, update CLOB and upload Images on demand can be triggered by any event that suits a developer's requirements.

Triggering Element

The supporting dynamic actions on demand can be triggered by JavaScript event on any DOM element.

Client-side Condition

The plug-in monitors which dynamic action branch (true or false) is not rendered due to evaluation of dynamic action attribute client-side condition.

Server-side Condition

The plug-in monitors whether dynamic action is not rendered due to evaluation of dynamic action attribute server-side condition.


Using server-side condition allows building custom plug-in customization based on PL/SQL logic.

Authorization Scheme

The plug-in monitors whether dynamic action is not rendered due to evaluation of dynamic action attribute authorization schemes.

Action Control List

Using authorization schemes allows building custom plug-in customization based on user's role in an application. Learn more in guide Action Control List support using dynamic action server-side conditions and dynamic action authorization schemere.

Action Attributes

Wait For Result

The plug-in dynamic actions supports dynamic action attribute Wait For Result allowing a developer to create custom success flow using dynamic actions. When the attribute is:

  • Disabled - a next true (or false) action is executed immiedietly.
  • Enabled - a next true (of false) action is executed only after the plug-in action is finished.

Stop Execution On Error

The plug-in dynamic actions supports dynamic action attribute Stop Execution On Error. When the attribute is:

  • Disabled - when the plug-in action raises an error, a dynamic action execution continues, and next true (or false) action is executed
  • Enabled - when the plug-in action raises an error, a dynamic action execution is terminated.

Affected Elements

The plug-in dynamic actions uses dynamic action affected elements to specify page items to be affected by the plug-in action. The affected element must be implementing the Rich Text Editor Pro, otherwise an error is raised. The supporting dynamic action plug-in supports the following affected elements:

  • Not set
  • Item(s)
  • jQuery Selector

The table below describes example result of implementing the plug-in action Update CLOB with affected elements empty.

Triggering Element TypeTriggering ElemtnEventResult
ItemP1_EXAMPLEchangeWhenever a page item P1_EXAMPLE triggers the event change, the page item's rich text document is updated in session state.
ButtonBTN_EXAMPLEclickWhen button BTN_EXAMPLE is clicked, all plug-in instances on a current are updated in session state.
RegionExamplechangeWhenever region Example catches the event change, the event target's rich text document is updated in session state.
jQuery Selector.examplechangeWhenever a DOM node with class class .example catches the event change, the event target's rich text document is updated in session state.
JavaScript ExpressiondocumentchangeWhenever a page item triggers the event change, the event target's rich text document is updated in session state.

JavaScript Initialization Code

The plug-in uses dynamic action attribute Initialization JavaScript Code to provide extra configuration. For example, action Update CLOB and reset Upload Images on demand supports JavaScript callbacks.

learn more

Each action accepts different value for the attribute Initialization JavaScript Code. Learn more in the plug-in action documentation further in this document.